Hair Design: Kink Luxury Collection

Hair Color:  Natural Color 

Hair Type: 100% Cambodian Virgin Hair

Hair Grade: 12A

Hair Weight: 100grams

Kink Luxury Collection

Kink Luxury Collection is one of Remake MyHair’s highest-quality hair, specifically handmade for is for black women and sourced directly from South Asia.   It’s 100% raw human hair, cut from a single donor, and is often referred to as “Virgin hair”.   The cuticles are still intact, meaning that this hair will not tangle or matt.  Kink hair comes in various textures and often comes in natural colors in a 12A-15A grade.  It can be styled, colored, and bleached.  The higher the quality, the more expensive this hair will be.

Cambodian Virgin Hair

Cambodian virgin human hair is natural hair that has not been chemically processed or treated in any way. It is collected from one donor and has not been dyed, bleached, permed, or otherwise altered. The benefits of Cambodian virgin human hair include its natural texture and luster, which can last for up to a year with proper care. Additionally, it is strong, durable, and has minimal shedding and tangling making it a great option for extensions and wigs. 


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