Hair Type: 100% Brazilian Virgin Hair

Hair Grade: 10A

Hair Texture: Silky Straight

Hair Color: Natural Color

Quantity: 3pcs/Bundles

Weight: Total 300grams, 100grams/3.5oz for each

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Brazilian Virgin Hair

It has hair cuticles that follow a similar pattern and flows to the same direction. 
Its hand selected from a single donor with keenness on highest standards of quality. Processed hair always has inconsistencies in color and texture and is hardly masked by color or perming. However, natural Brazilian hair is of high quality, healthy hair and can easily be colored. Brazilian hair is 100% natural unprocessed hair that easily responds to color and retains its luster. 

Key Features:

  1. Brazilian virgin hair is natural and blends well with natural body. 
  1. Picked from a single donor in its original state thus, healthy. 
  2. The direction of the hair cuticles lay uniformed and the hair does not tangle at all.
  3. Colour – dark brown and sometimes a bit lighter. 
  4. It is strong hair that is naturally straight, wavy or curly. The waviness can be easily turned into curly with proper styling.
  5. Excellent for people with African ancestry, as it looks very natural, yet manageable
How Many Bundles Should I Purchase?
  • The use of 1-2 bundles (100 -200 grams) is ideal for increasing the thickness of your hair and is great for bobs and short hairstyles.
  • It is recommended that 3 bundles (300 grams) be used to cover an average-sized head for a leave-out weave installation.
  • 4 Bundles (400 grams) are the most popular choice when doing a full weave installation, as you don’t want to run out of hair. It’s great for extreme volume and length.
How Many Bundles Should I Purchase?
  • 8-12 inches are ideal for bobs and shoulder-length hair.
  • 14-16 inches is recommended, for hair reaching your bra strap to mid back.
  • 18-22 Inches are the most popular for adding volume and length.
  • 24 and 30 Inches, if you’re looking to make a statement, these lengths are growing in popularity.
  • 32-42 Inches, if you’re looking for that wow factor, then these lengths in this stage are definitely it.


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